Meet Leah


Leah Thomas is the founder and creator of Gutsy Love Coaching, where she helps people to bring love and acceptance back to their relationships with their family, so that they can lead a happy and harmonious life. 

Leah is the author of best-selling book "Stop Ostracising Your Negative Family and Friends - Love No Matter What!"  Her Gutsy Love Solution, gives her clients a system that enables them to build true success both in their personal life and their families. 

After spending nearly 2 decades working with families in Community Services and Education and being a part of 4 families herself Leah knows what truly drives loving and accepting relationships.

With over 23 years of leadership experience working with families from all walks of life, to people management, training and education, she has now combined her Diploma in Life Coaching and Diploma in Children's Services, Certificates in Adult Education, Certification in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Values Pendulum Qualifications, with her own life experiences, skills, knowledge and abilities to work exclusively with people seeking social and emotional cooperation within their families and communities through better understanding of self and others. 

Leah's personal life experiences and working environments range from rough and tumble woolsheds, front bar’s and prisons to nurturing and caring for children, elderly people and people with disabilities. Leah has taught all ages from children to adults and has held leadership and management positions in Children’s Services, and Adult Education Facilities.

Leah has also been a foster parent to a child with multiple complex needs in a dysfunctional government child protection system.  

Leah has spent over 8 years living, working with and facilitating education with Pitjantjatjara Anangu in Remote Aboriginal Communities, to explore Social Capacity within a unique Australian culture.

Leah has an insatiable interest in human behaviour and is regularly engaging in professional and personal development to keep up to date with current trends and knowledge to provide the best service she possibly can to her clients, at this moment in time.

Through her coaching and education programs, Leah helps people empower their self-leadership skills by becoming more understanding of their values, beliefs and behaviours and those of others, which then allows for true unconditional love (GUTSY LOVE) and acceptance to flow through to family, community and work relationships, creating the ripple effect of success in all other areas of life. 

 Yes I am being Gutsy and Booking a Call


What others are saying about working with Leah.


Before coaching I felt confused, lost and scared, I was distant in my relationships and just wanted to give up on it and run away and save myself from hurt. I was feeling angry, unworthy and not good enough. I was bringing myself down and others along with me. I was sceptical, unsure and nervous about coaching, but I put my fears aside and put my trust in Leah. During my coaching journey, I found where the negativity was coming from, and I was able to accept it and release it. I realised that I was OK in all I felt and there was nothing wrong with me because of it. I accepted that there was no self-blame, no guilt to be carried. The coaching was confronting for sure. To dig underneath the layers of my feelings was scary at times but ever so worth it. By the end of my coaching journey, I felt light, I felt relief, confidence and excited. The shift in my emotions was just beautiful to feel. Coaching was different from my usual go to i.e. counsellors, psychologists as I didn’t have to dredge up past stories. I didn’t have to explain anything. We just went in with how I was feeling in the moment and focused on that. Leah has a lovely tone, a gentle approach which made me feel safe and at ease to let go. She provided a safe space for me to feel vulnerable, honest and to get real. She made it easy to trust the process. If you feel you are struggling with negative emotions, I recommend coaching with Leah or doing any of her courses, it will change your perspective and might just save that relationship you are wanting to give up on. Or more importantly, it just might help you become a better version of yourself. Wishing you all the best. Jo – “Feel the Fear and do it anyway”
Jo Welk
Aged Care Advocate/ Support Worker

Thank you Leah, for the coaching sessions, for helping me reconnect with me. Thank you for the tools you have provided me to help with the discipline of my 2 and a half year old our relationship has improved and even more than that I handle me better. I've educated my partner and we both use the tools. I am grateful for the sessions we had around business it helped me get my Facebook page underway. Working with you I had some Gutsy Change in many areas of my life. :) and the momentum of just doing stuff made me feel awesome, so again, thank you Leah Thomas. – Frederique
Frederique Lebrasse
Business Entrepreneur