Enough is Enough! It's time to Break the Cycle of Family Conflict and Division!


Attention Women Who Want to Heal Family Conflict!


You have found your way here because you are doing some deep soul-searching to find ways of healing your pain and family relationships. Right?



Are you; 

  • Fed up with all the family conflict, the negativity, the hurt, the betrayal, the rejection? 


  • Fed up with being seen as the one who is always wrong, or the odd one out of the family?


  • Feeling frustrated with not being listened to, people interrupting you, you can’t finish what you wanted to say?


  • Feeling confused, don’t understand why this is all happening, why can’t we all just get along? 


  • One year you are all together having a happy family Christmas and the next you are torn apart, not talking and avoiding each other like the plague.




I KNOW! This used to be my story!


The worst is my Dad passed away before we could reconcile or before I had totally exhausted all avenues of having a go at reconciliation.  Please AVOID this happening to you!

Do your best to heal and reconcile before someone passes away! Flip your family history, dissolve those ancestral patterns of behaviour that are ruining your relationships.

Research tells us that very few people regret reconciling with their family! It may not be the “perfect or ideal” family situation, but a reconciled family gives EVERYONE much more peace and happiness than one that doesn’t.

If reconciling is not an option for you then your alternative is to heal your pain and learn to stop sabotaging your personal growth and move forward with no regrets, happiness and a peaceful heart.

The perfect time is now.




  • You are leading your family to create a legacy of strong family bonds despite the differences.


  • Having happy family gatherings where everyone is loving and supportive of one another.


  • You know exactly what to say when conflict or differences in opinion, values and beliefs arise threatening these happy times.   


  • Feeling confident that no matter what happens your family has your back and you trust each other’s love will always be there, allowing you to reach your full potential and go after your goals with a vigour for life, unfelt before.


  • Your pain is healed, your family no longer causes you long-term suffering, you are healthy, happy, and achieving your goals and feel part of a Gutsy Loving Family.






The 7 Steps to Gutsy Loving Family Relationships! 

  The 7 Steps to Gutsy Loving Family Relationships gives you the first steps to beginning your healing journey.  

The First Step is the most important and takes the most Guts. Be Gutsy and download the first steps below. 


7 Steps to a Gutsy Loving Family Relationship!



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What Women are saying about Leah!


If you are ready to take action and change is your intention, then Leah at Gutsy Love Coaching is the lady to speak with. My intention was creating change and taking action in my relationship with my family and that is exactly what I experienced when coached by Leah. I jumped and bounded forward with new skills which I continue using. The way I now choose to relate with my family has created the harmony I desired. Leah’s accountability was a massive bonus while building the skill of keeping my word to myself, increasing my self-worth and love
Connie Watts
Healing Hands Massage
As a result of working with Leah I now feel like a different person. And it has happened quickly. Initially I was unsure and resistant to coaching as I have a “I have to do it myself attitude”. After 2 sessions that identified some truths I needed to face up to which was both scary and freeing, a light switched on. Feeling totally overwhelmed one day before my session, which I was going to cancel, I realised that instead of the coaching being just something else that I had to fit in, if I embraced it, I could change and move forward. And guess what? I did. "I would and do recommend Leah to anyone who wants to live their life to the fullest. I have worked with women for years and constantly see them not moving forward and reaching goals because of fear and excuses. What I like about Leah is she is ‘real’ Just a down to earth person who really cares and is passionate about helping people. In saying that she is tough in a good way which really makes you open up to moving forward. It has transformed my thinking and got me moving in my business life in such a short time. I look forward to working on other areas of my life as well I urge everyone to see Leah. I recommended a friend who said she couldn’t afford it. I told her she not afford not to as she was stuck in a bad place in her life. She took my advice and now says it was the best thing she has ever done. I also agree with this. And I thought I didn’t need it too
Sue Lane
Silver Doterra Wellness Advocate
“Having two very active boys who are on the autism spectrum and being a full-time carer for them and my mother who suffersfrom several different medical issues, I had started to lose myself in the day to day of the things. Unable to justify the things Ineed over what my family needs first. I decided to start seeing Leah, with hopes of finding myself again. Giving me a chance to put me first, on my weight loss journey and organising my day-to-day schedule, to give me more “me time.” Coaching helped me to organise my time better and with more organised time, I have been able to start writing again, and I will have a chance to publish a novel I have worked on for many years .Leah made me feel good during the time I spent with her: I felt encouraged, and willing to make positive changes for weeks and months and years to come. Leah is entertaining, high energy,engaging, motivational, thought-provoking, and behaviour changing. She motivates you to stop, think, analyse, and improve. She left an incredibly uplifting impact on myself and my family.Leah has the amazing ability to connect with you, so you’re able to embark on a journey of mindfulness and transformation. Leah is a truly inspirational human being who has become a wonderful friend
Catherine Tostevin
Awesome Mum


Want to explore whether we’re meant to work with each other?
Book your 30 minute no obligation complimentary Family Relationship healing assessment.

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